Wednesday, November 28, 2012


在我面前笑嘻嘻 话语如儿戏 
你转过身去 拳已攥紧

你承认吧 你需要我
你害怕失去 更害怕一个人的孤寂
我承认了 我需要你
试着抛开怀疑 因为我已经无力再抗拒

曾经试图一而再 再而三读懂你
如果说我不在意 那也是一出戏 这不是秘密

我只是来不及 承认自己

你承认吧 你需要我
你害怕失去 更害怕一个人的孤寂
我承认了 我需要你
试着抛开怀疑 因为我已经无力再抗拒

看不清 弄不明

曲婉婷 ❤

Currently fall in love with this song..It is definitely singing out my feeling...K.

Non-stop reading GIDDENS books since I have downloaded 九把刀全集 apps. Undoubtedly,I enter his story life again... 异梦 in current.Seriously,I have no idea how come my dear GIDDENS 's imagination can be so extremely wide~~The ways insane serial killers murder are shockingly CRUEL!damn...Make me feel so uncomfortable ..Last time I will be super hyper when reading the ways they kill somebody,but now...I'm worrying about there's a crazy killer appearing in my room out of the blue...GOSH.....dear GIDDENS ,you definitely drive me crazy @@

Eh,really....The ways they kill people are freaking terrible。。。the part I'm reading is the serial killer named MR.GAME using a gaming way to kill cruel....the mommy is forced to extract her teeth with a canine forceps by HERSELF within 10 minutes only can save her son...and her son has to complete the whole maths exercise book to save his mom AND not allowed to wrong over 5 questions.So,how about his dad,her husband?? The insane MR.GAME asks him to hold a gun and think how to use the 2 bullets which inside the gun. Mommy exactly extracts all her teeth...damn.her son really finishes all the questions in the workbook.her dad points to MR.GAME and releases bullet towards him BUT he is attacked by derringer ..damn....At the end,the son is killed by gun ,dad died.Only the mom is safe..but sudah kurang siuman .....DAMN SAD CASE LA!!! the following victims are 2 brothers who only in secondary school.THAT MAD GUY asks them to play game with each other.and the winner have to break the loser's finger..damn...HOW CRUEL HUH??!!....oh yea..and the main character in 冰箱 more pity...She been raped a lot times and lead to be crazy and having dissociative identity disorder....

OK.stop over here.Continue reading it...BYE PEOPLE!

Ngek ngek* My length of hair in future !xp


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